If you identify with the pattern of ‘people pleaser’
then you will be familiar with the challenges & behaviours that typically come with it.
But did you know what your Secret Superpowers are?!
Do you realise the greatness that is waiting to emerge within you…?
Firstly, let’s look at a snapshot of the challenges of this pattern:
· Taking responsibility for other people’s emotions.
· Fear of criticism.
· Habitually prioritising everyone else’s needs above your own.
· Saying Yes when you really mean No (being inauthentic).
· Disliking or avoiding confrontation.
· Taking things personally.
· Worrying about what other people think of you.
· Requiring the approval of others for validation.
· Going above and beyond your personal energy levels & limits to satisfy others.
· Feelings of guilt / shame / resentment / victimisation.
So, what are the Secret Superpowers?
Well, you have at least 3 that work together:
1) Emotional Intelligence (the future)!
2) Appreciation for Harmony.
3) Intuition – accessing a knowing from within that exists without the need for logic.
- Tend to be more sensitive to their environment & the people around them.
- Have a desire for people to be able to work together in a constructive & positive way, that brings out the best in them, utilising & develops skills.
- Are attuned to picking up on cues that are less obvious / unspoken.
- Naturally good at sensing how other people are feeling and / or their intentions.
- Have a strong intuitive ability (this may not be fully developed yet, depending on levels of anxiety / overthinking).
- Genuinely care about people.
These are FABULOUS assets to bring to any table, at home or in the office.
The Sweet Spot:
This is the point where you develop & hone the incredibly positive aspects of this pattern
AND you leave behind the fearful components, that prevent you from living your best life.
In fact, it’s exactly what you came here to do!
Imagine who you would be without these limits?
Does it mean you will be an ego fuelled tyrant who cares about nobody and tramples over everyone else to get to the top and ends up with no friends…..errr NO!
It means that you are still a sensitive, big-hearted person who cares about people & can see beyond the obvious,
WITHOUT the worry, overthinking, low feelings, panic, headless chicken syndrome, second guessing, wasted energy, over exertion & overwhelm,
WITH the confidence, strength, self-assurance, wisdom, trust, balance & personal power.
BONUS – even more highly developed levels of intuition and NO DOUBT about it!
So let’s get on with the business of destiny shall we?
As with all the patterns we have, we came here to move beyond them.
They are not set patterns, they are your personal karma, waiting to be transformed!
The Law of Balance is always in play.
When you break through these limitations,
you will realise that you had it within you all along
and you will experience what lives on the other side of this fear (it is all about fear)
which is…..YOUR GREATNESS!
Then you really can do more for others without it coming at a cost to you.
There is no need for sacrifice, you can have all that & a bag of chips! ;)
It’s who the world needs you to be.
It’s time to be authentically you!
If you want help to unlock this dormant potential within yourself, then my 121 Coaching is the key.
Contact me for more an informal chat.
You are your strongest asset. Invest in yourself.
You are so worth it and the transformation you will see, is life changing.
#peoplepleaser #patterns #transformationalcoaching #timeforchange #personalpower #secretsuperpowers #intuition #emotionalintelligence #becomingyou #authenticity #healthyboundaries #selfdiscovery #karma #fear #change #bestlife #development #beyourbest #strength #breakthehabit #discovermore #leadership #lettinggo #openheart #letlovelead #spiritualintelligence #emotionalenergy #freedom #limitations #whodareswins #anotherlevel #empoweredbeyondbelief #healthiestself #insideout #innergame
