The 7 of Swords is the card that so often find speaks to me of Impostor Syndrome!
The 3 of Wands is an indication that it’s time to move beyond perceived limitations & live authentically.
The baseline of impostor syndrome is the FEELING of not being good enough.
The key word being FEELING!
It is a belief not a truth.
It is rocket fuel for fear, anxiety & depression.
It is based in shame & is incredibly common.
When it keeps cropping up & pestering you, it is ready to be healed.
This is exciting! It absolutely can be transformed & is your personal challenge & invitation from the universe.
Essentially, just like all thoughts & emotions, it is a form of energy that requires a remodel.
Here are the patterns I find most closely connected to Impostor Syndrome:
• Perfectionism
• Judgement – judgmental of self &/or others
• Victim – one of the main archetypes said to exist in each of us.
• Self-Doubt – (form of the saboteur, self-sabotage).
• People pleasing.
• Death by comparison - inferiority / superiority complex.
None of these are states of peace!
These patterns trample boundaries & induce stress hormones.
They block prosperity, fulfilment & healthy relationships.
When we actively work with these patterns, we change what happens around us. Good Vibes, Amanda G
#transformationcoaching #emotionalintelligence #integratedleadership #selfmastery #boundaries #subconsciousblocks #changethepattern #personalleadership #spiritualintelligence #impostorsyndrome #tuesdaytarot
With thanks to the Intuitive Night Goddess Tarot Deck for the card images.